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Re: Europa-List: sat 23 april club trip

Subject: Re: Europa-List: sat 23 april club trip
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 17:20:03

hi Dave

 Thanks so much for the message about the le Touquet trip. I would have loved 
 to come somehow but it's my parents' diamond wedding complete with message 
---From the Queen so I will have to mis thiss one. Remember we are going for a 
flight one day though and I'll buy the fuel!

On Friday ,long overdue, I'm bonding in the tail torque tube, with help from 
Roger Sheridan. he's a lovely chap. I got a bit bogged down building a jig but

I'm glad I did as it all looks  more organized now.

In early  March Viv and I went up to Yorkshire and called in at Europa  of 
course. It was all uncannily the same . I bought a few bits and pieces and had
nice chat with Andy.

I raised the subject of the glider version but the inevitable answer is they 
just dont have time or money to re start the testing needed ....I wonder if 
you've any thoughts as how one might  re kindle club interest in the 'glider' .

As you know I find it heart breaking that such performance potential is being 

Anyway have a wonderful day, and thanks  again for your help with the module!

All the best,


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