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Re: Europa-List: Carburetter heating Rotax 912S

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Carburetter heating Rotax 912S
From: Carl Pattinson <>
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 19:16:10

We have flown our 912 Europa for 2 years and never experienced an icing 
problem. Europa themselves have always maintained that the Classic (not sure 
about XS) dosent suffer from carb icing (as far as they know !!!).

Having said that I intend to fit one when I can find time as ours is already 
flying. We were advised that it was not necessary when we were building.

Considering the minimal additional cost involved I now believe it to be a 
worthwhile mod, for peace of mind if nothing else. Just wish we had done 
before we started flying.

My advice, fit one. You can never be too safe.


> --> <>
> So far I have been told that a 912S on an Europa does not require a car
> heater due to several reasons. Last week during an engine run up at the
> platform the engine quited due to......, yep carb ice. I have to say
> that the engine cowlings were not mounted at the time. One of the fellow
> builders draw my attention to the heating kit CH-912-3 912 from
> Skydrive. Any help and comments are highly appreciated.
> Cheers.
> Sven den Boer

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