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RE: Europa-List: max gross weight [was: unhelpful digest reference]

Subject: RE: Europa-List: max gross weight [was: unhelpful digest reference]
From: David Legge dlegge <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 04:02:25

As I understand it, you can list the MGW as 3600, but during the test phase
you must demonstrate it. The basic rule is if you did it in the test phase,
you can do it in unrestricted flight. If you did not test it, then you

The FAA is in place to both regulate and promote. The rules are designed
with the presumption that the builder is qualified and does not have a death
wish. But just in case, they try to assign you a test area clear of

David Legge

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Rowland
Subject: Europa-List: max gross weight [was: unhelpful digest reference]

>The builder is in charge and can make any changes he feels comfortable

>If the FAA will permit the plane
>to fly its test phase then you are good to go. They are looking for
>construction quality, W&B and proper paper work

Cy - "W&B" - that's weight & balance, so aren't they looking for a
weight that is appropriate to the airframe design rules? Or are they
going to be happy with any old weight you stick on the form? Surely
the FAA won't accept it if the builder says "I am comfortable for my
Europa to have a MGW of 3600 pounds", for instance.



| Rowland Carson  PFA #16532 <>
| 710 hours building Europa #435 G-ROWI  e-mail <>

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