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Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 8 Msgs - 07/03/04

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 8 Msgs - 07/03/04
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 23:51:22

>Tufnol Lubricants (the definitive answer)
>I puzzled over the same question.  I eventually ground a little grease
>groove around the inside of the tufnol bearing and installed a little
>tube with a Lur-Lock fitting on the end that fits the end of a syringe.
>I then injected a non petroleum based lubricant and can do so any time
>in the future.  They are completely free now.  (Three years later.)  It
>seems to me that a way of getting something in there in the future is

I know of one early Classic that was stood for a couple of years. The 
tufnol bearings went very stiff, I guess due to grease congealing, maybe 
mixed with dust/dirt. They were freed by cleaning with LPS type stuff, WD40 
would have worked but I don't think its as good as LPS.. It would have been 
a lot easier if an injection method had been incorporated from the beginning

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