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Europa-List: Mini U2 progress report

Subject: Europa-List: Mini U2 progress report
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 00:10:16

Hello to the group,

Just a brief report of the performance of the long wing Europa. I have been 
asked several times about how well the airplane performs as a glider and after

today I can provide some input.

I did a flight today in thermal lift conditions. The flight was a total of 
2.2 hours with the engine shut down for 1 hour and 20 minutes. I shutdown and 
feathered at 8,800 feet and found a thermal, which I rode up to 14,100 feet. I

had to pull the speed brakes at that point, since I didn't think I would get 
that high and hadn't turned on the O2 bottle which is now located in the aft 
fuselage. I am not an experienced glider pilot, so these results are possible 
with my experience level. The field elevation is 4,700 feet and I returned to 

airport as a glider, restarting the engine on the 45 leg to downwind ( at 
7,000 feet msl). Had it not restarted, I would have simply landed the same way
did - without the go around possibility.

I don't have any specific number on the glide ratio, but I now know that the 
airplane is very usable as a glider. I have done also well in weak lift 
conditions as reported by the local glider community. I am a big believer in the

safety of the high aspect ratio wings - more each time I fly it.

I how have 130 landings and 120 hours of total time. As of the last few days, 
the engine is losing the battle with the airframe! The total fuel burn for 
today's flight was less than 2 gallons. Had I turned on the O2 and had somewhere

to go, I could have made a significant headway with the engine off -- going 
---From thermal to thermal.

One last point -- there was some discussion about outrigger wheels. I have 
made the change to the outrigger wheels mentioned by a few (can't remember the

name) and they have worked out OK. The glider people here seem to like to use 
"scooter wheels" -- which are like roller blade wheels and have sealed 
bearings. They are 100mm and cost about $10 each. I have an extra set of 

wheel bottom brackets and have fitted those wheels to try out the wheels. They

are very smooth and fit right in place - with spacers to center them as they are

skinnier. Since there is very little load on the wheels, they will be OK. The 
gliders use them as tail wheels in many cases. I bought mine at a sporting 
goods store (FAA approved of course!)

I have posted a picture taken in the flight yesterday working up to today's 
successful soaring flight.

Mini U2

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