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Re: Panel removal

Subject: Re: Panel removal
From: Kevin Taylor <>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 11:00:22

Thanks for the info. Got the panel out no problem and took me about 20
minutes although I did upset the wife as she had to miss coronation street
to help me guide it out. Funny enough it didn't appear close to the
windscreen at all. The builder had done a great job and used a combination
of various 5 pin din and cannon plugs as well as a couple of those big metal
avionics plugs (forgot the names of them! but we used them all the time on
comms kit when I was in the RAF) I guess there are around 15 ish plugs all
together. The throttle carb heat, mix and primer were all on a panel that
just stayed in place. The pump and mags are on a very cool roof panel and
hence were not affected.


Kev T

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Panel removal

I forgot to mention that the ignition switch/fuel boost button are
mounted on a panel similar to the throttle etc. controls. There should
be four small bolts fixating the plate to the panel. These need to be
removed before you take the panel out or you may break the cable from
the ignition panel.
Removing the panel is a one man job: replacing it two. Also as soon as
the panel starts to come out place padding on the top edge otherwise
you'll easily scratch the inside of the screen.

Simon Longstaff

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