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Re: G-JULZ - First Flight!!

Subject: Re: G-JULZ - First Flight!!
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 00:53:15
Congratulations Mike. I wish you many smooth landings. ENJOY & HAVE FUN, it's a

great plane. 

Cheers, John

> Yus! Yus! Yus! Yus! Yus! Yus! Yus! Yus! Yus! Yus! Yus! Yus! Yuuuuussss!!!
> Stardate 1431 UTC, 31 Oct 2002.
> The "Pocket Rocket" lauched on its first flight, at the helm - Andy Draper.
> Second sortie with a willing observer - what a superb (it was better than 
> superb, but I would get boring.) little a/c.  It makes all those winter 
> evenings

> in rubber gloves seem worthwhile - almost.
> regards,
> Mike Parkin  No 312 (G-JULZ)

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