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Re: Frustrational Venting

Subject: Re: Frustrational Venting
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 18:38:41
Hi, I make a living, reading, performing, and writing procedures that have a 
zero tolerance for error, to all qualified users. It's a hard thing to do. 
Where I work all users own the procedures. If I want a change, I write the 
new section in its entirety and submit it for engineering review. 
I'm sure if you document what you did and sent it in, Europa would 
incorporate the changes in the next rev. It may not help you, but the next 
guy will sure appreciate it and maybe not have to post on this site asking 
for help or venting.
Maybe Europa could put a thanks page in the front of the manual with the 
persons name, kit # or registration #. 
When you open the manual you would see that there is a large Europa family 
out there committed to improvement.

Just My 2

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