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RE: Trike Nose Leg Bungee Breaking.

Subject: RE: Trike Nose Leg Bungee Breaking.
From: Bob Harrison <>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 00:14:25
Hi! Fred.
Just browsing through one or two saved messages arrived back with this one
and it occurs to me that you are still working on 350#  as per  PRE the "
increased bungee size mod. My mod instructions uplift the break weight to
400lbs to 500lbs with engine fitted. This means a lever applied to uplift
the tail to effect the test down on the nose wheel . When I said I pulled
down on the prop. it must have been when the break weight was 350 lbs.
Sorry to "rabbit " on about this but prefer to know you are on the safe side
BT W your direct e-mails still return so need to contact you via the europa
Bob Harrison  G-PTAG

 -----Original Message-----
Sent:        31 July 2001 04:32
Subject:        Re: Trike Nose Leg  Bungee Breaking.

Cool method, but now it just hit me.  The manual can be interpreted to
mean that 350# is set with reference to only the frame/leg/wheel
assembly.  At least I couldn't install the bungee except with the
assembly affixed to a bench.  On a completed A/C, the weight on the
nose includes some airframe weight, namely fwd of the main wheel pivot
point.  So setting bungee tension to just bring weight on the nose
wheel to 350# before stretching commences is setting it at less than
they intend.  That would be way less than 1G load in service to
exercise the bungee.  Maybe that's (in part) why you've had problems?
Any help here?  I may be in the same stew.

Fred F., A063

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