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RE: Batteries

Subject: RE: Batteries
From: Bob.Harrison <>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 20:15:26

Hi! Jerry.
Perhaps you missed it but I blew your trumpet for you about two weeks ago.
I'm not sure that the original document which you sent me actually did the
circuit. I also tried to put it onto the Yahoo Jabiru Engines
forum for you .Perhaps you could research that site and have a go there as
BTW since I moved the two 13 Amp hour batteries to the Passenger foot well
my start problems have vaporised!  When I first gave it a test whiz (without
the mags on) in the garage  the prop. blew anything not tied down to the
back of the garage.!
Bob H    G-PTAG
  -----Original Message-----
  Subject: Batteries

  There is often chat on the group about batteries. We have for sometime
sold a 13 amphr high output (400 amp) battery that weights only 4.9 kgs.
That battery has now increased in price but the next one up has dropped in
price. As a result we now stock a 14 amphr RG battery that has a massive 550
amp starting current which only weighs 5.0 kgs. I can fax details of around
5 different starter batteries to anyone interested. Hope the group doesn't
object to my blatant advertising.



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