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RE: ZK 420A-B?

Subject: RE: ZK 420A-B?
From: Bob.Harrison <>
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 00:09:54
Hi! Steve
It's my 61st birthday celebrations and I'm well oiled !!! but nevertheless
can't do to see anyone in the she    1      t   ! Redux  mixes 10 parts
Yellow Gue  to 4 parts Blue liquid . Use liberal amounts of flox to prevent
Sticks most things such as broken reading glasses but not the part you look
through !!!!
Cures fully in about 12 hours , but releases  with heat from a hair dryer
In my case likely to double as an engine mount to satisfy  the PFA "!!!!
Bob Harrison G-PTAG

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Steve Hagar
Sent:        12 August 2000 21:01
Subject:        ZK 420A-B?

I went to my pantry today to check on my stash of ZK 420A&B "formerley
known as Redux". It was right there just  where I left it last  year
behind the Campbells soup cans. The expiration date was still within
limits, for the glue that is, the soup gets thrown out when the cans start

What is disturbing however is that I find that I can't find any thing
pertaining to the handling, use, mixing, or curing of this stuff any where
in my copious information files as I have everything pretty much well

It would serve well to get some of this info. I would appreciate it greatly
if another kind builder with this info could get me back on track by
forwarding this to me over the net or by faxing it to me at work 480

Please keep this  hush-hush as I don't want any US government jackbooted
MSDS Nazis busting down my door in the middle of night to spirit my Redux
away because of lack of proper documentation.

Thanks gang
Steve Hagar
Mesa AZ

--- Steve Hagar

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