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news of Isaac Porat

Subject: news of Isaac Porat
From: Rowland & Wilma Carson <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 12:44:52
Several folk have asked me for news of Isaac, and I promised to let 
you know anything I could.

This morning I have received a short letter from Alison Porat, 
thanking all those who have sent messages of support and 
encouragement - either by post direct to their home, or by e-mails 
that I have been able to print out & send on to her.

She has no really positive news of Isaac's condition. Unfortunately 
he has developed some infections, which might be expected given the 
severity of his injuries. He is still sedated, and being treated with 
an "ever-changing cocktail drugs and antibiotics".

Alison hopes to keep me updated on any major developments, but she 
knows she will need patience as the recovery will take a long time. I 
hope we will be able to continue helping them both in whatever way is 
appropriate, as time goes on.


           ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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