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Re: Corrosion treatment

Subject: Re: Corrosion treatment
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 10:10:48

>Note that some builders have commercially anodized the aluminum parts.  I 
>can't say how much better this is; they may add to this thread.  But
>corrosion is an electrolytic process, and can occur buried in resin and thus 
>in the absence of air (but latter also promotes it -- e.g., acid or salty 
>atmosphere).  A clean, rough surface is probably the most important thing to 

Clean means the Boeing water test. Drop distilled water onto the part. It
should spread, ie wet, over the whole of the surface. I would suggest
Alodine bonded surfaces . Alodine gives an etched surface which gives a
very good bond. Even clean untreated aluminum will corrode and debond at
the interface with epoxy because of the electrolytic effect of rain water.
I've seen it happen.

Before anodising any parts check with the plating company the type of
anodising required. Certain processes cause a loss of fatigue strength,
which can be restored by the appropriate after treatment, refered to as
"sealing" . 


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