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Re: Ceiling panel

Subject: Re: Ceiling panel
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 17:39:34
Not sure why you need a mould. I have a flat fibre panel which cover the 
whole of the recess in a slight curve , retained by screws and anchor nuts in 
the door frame channel.. 
Although there is not enough room to bury an intercom box, it is easy enough 
to have it protruding down through an aperture.  Mounting it far enough aft 
avoids cables in the way, and with two "coat hooks" above the luggage 
compartment you can just hang them up without unplugging, or drop them into 
their and down into the baggage compartment.

Further forward, the panel carries a backup radio +VOR (ICOM nav/com) which 
similarly hinges down through an aperture when in use.

Graham C G-EMIN

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