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Subject: Liability
From: Jim Naylor <>
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 19:25:15
We offten hear of hideous cases of persons being sued for acts of good
intention, especially in the USA.  It is not unknown for a home built
aircraft to crash due to faulty work or poor design and cause death or
The fact that the home built movement is so popular and thriving, and does
not seem to be strangled by liability laws leads me to believe that the
legal vulture's have been caged, and there must be some level of protection
for us.  But I often wonder...
Can a builder/builders be held responsible in the event of an accident.
Can an inspector be held responsible for passing off work which
subsequently proves faulty or not up to standard.
Can a well meaning person passing on a mod. be held responsible if it fails.
Can the P.F.A or appropriate body be held responsible etc. etc.,or are we
all covered under the status of amateurs.
Maybe there are some 'legal Eagles' out there, who can comment on the subject ?

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