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Re: All This Bl...dy Undeliv!!!!

Subject: Re: All This Bl...dy Undeliv!!!!
From: Moira Millar <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 07:47:40
Hello Everyone,

>Welcome to the world of mailing lists. 
>Yes, Avnet can delete the guy off the list and I am sure somebody has already

>asked them to do that.

Yes, of course he has been deleted.

>The reason we all get the bounced mail is that the receiving mail system can 
>only send the failed delivery message to the sender, in this case 
> Because is set up as a mail list 
>server it automatically sends the failed message to everyone of us on the 

Most ISPs have their sendmail software set to return bounced mail to the
owner of the list.  I receive dozens of these messages every day, address to
owner-europa, etc.  This one erroneously sent the reply as Tony says, back
to the list - aargh....!

>For some real fun, from my list of how to drive internet users mad, you 
>should get two mail sites that do this to each other repeatedly. Then the non

>delivery messages go up exponentially and eventually kill both mail systems. 
>Keeps sysadmins busy for hours when that happens :-)

Sorry if this drove all of you crazy.

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