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Re: Intercom Installation problem

Subject: Re: Intercom Installation problem
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 19:36:00
>>We underwent the quite often normal glass cockpit conversation of " What is
it doing now?<<

We had a fascinating TV series recently. There was film of an A320 doing the
most frightening pitch oscillations over Paris that I've ever seen. (Except
Concordski) The aircraft had been told to go round and apparently decided it
prefered to land. Remember the one that landed itself in the forest at Basle?
That was a denied request to go round. They crucified the pilot. Should have
been the software man.

I once said to a friend who designs engines (RB211s) that I thought designers
needed to learn to fly. He said "would I accept simulators"  At the time I
acquiesced, now I don't think I would.

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