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Re: Re: Your time over again??? Rudder fit.

Subject: Re: Re: Your time over again??? Rudder fit.
From: Peter Davis <>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 15:13:31
Martin - What's wrong with moving the table?

This approach was arrived at over the telephone and I dare say that if a bit
more time was given to it we may have ended up with elongating the rudder.
However, horses for courses and all that, and in the end I dare say it will make
little difference, although my way gives you an insite into the stiffness of the
fuselage when you try and pull the sections into shape prior to re-glassing.

I suppose you will be telling me next that when you stir a cup of coffee you
don't hold the spoon still and rotate the cup?



P.S.  A thought - we could probably have overcome all this by setting the rudder
half way and applying 5mm thick filler to both top and bottom to profile it in.
Would have meant less cutting away at the top too..!??!

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