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Re: Bondo removal ?

Subject: Re: Bondo removal ?
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 19:31:14
>>For those who haven't used Bondo to secure their jigs yet, perhaps epoxying
some peel ply in place at the points where the Bondo will be used to secure
the jigs would help. Then, after the jigs are popped off the Bondo can be
chipped away and the final remnants pulled off with the peel ply. I haven't
tried this but it seems plausible<<

Sounds good to me. 
BTW It's true that any polyester tends to cause blistering including polyester
primers. It's not so much boiling of trapped moisture but accumulation of
atmospheric water by osmosis. Prick a blister and you will get liquid not gas.


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