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Subaru EA81 - 118hp

Subject: Subaru EA81 - 118hp
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 1996 23:05:15
if you are interested here goes.

G-WWWG  weighs 886 lbs; pilot  204 lbs; fuel  130 lbs    1220 lbs
Warp drive prop set to 19 degrees
Take-off roll from short grass, rolled  field, slight uphill slope  185 meters
Rate of climb from 1,000 ft  to 4,000 ft at 80 kts OAT 6C 1,080 fpm
Max straight and level at 5,500 rpm   one up  +  full tank   141 kts
Comfortable cruise at 4,500 rpm  one up  +  full tank  119 kts
Economy cruise at  4,100 rpm      one up  +  full tank  105 kts
Fuel consumption (full tank to full tank)  16.4 litres  (3.6 gallons)  per hour
Smooth running requires precise management of the Mixture control
She is almost impossible to restart when still hot.  Maybe there's a knack?
and she floats forever when landing

Bill W-Wynne  N52=B036.7'  W004=B004.5' (N Wales)  01654 710101/2/3(fax)

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