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The direct pitot path.

Subject: The direct pitot path.
From: Graham Clarke <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 1996 13:50:48
Since the change from tail to wing mounted pitot, the manual suggests 
attaching the tube to the aileron push rod. I don't know anyone who has 
done this, as the both the flexing of the tube at both ends and the 
assymmetric load on the stick seem undesirable. Others have routed  
smaller diameter tubing aft to the flap closeout but this involves two 
quite sharp turns. 

The simple direct route can be used by tensioning the tube at both ends 
in p-clips or blocks. Though it can be seen to be well clear of the 
aileron tube (even  when inverted) , the factory would not accept even 
occasional contact which might happen during pitching manoevres. So how 
do you provide periodic attachment down the tunnel ?. Coating with goo 
before insertion is fraught and prevents replacement. Head scratching 
produced the following. Even with filler on it is easy to determine the 
line of the tube accurately enough to drill small holes at the required 
periodicity in the undersurface to enter the tunnel. Fold a nylon cord 
and poke the doubled end through the hole in the undersurface. From the 
root end 
fish out the loop with a hook on the end of rod long enough to reach 
(watching the ends to make sure they don't disappear through the hole!). 
Thread the pitot tube through the loop and pull back all the slack until 
the pipe is tightend against the wall. Fill the hole round the cords with 
Redux or epoxy. Cut off loose ends and sand smooth.


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