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Re: Factory responses

Subject: Re: Factory responses
From: Herbert F. Kilian <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 20:32:13
Alan Hall writes:
<Europa Aviation are a business, not a charity. In order to continue to survive
they need to put most of their resourses into selling kits and ensuring the
safety of the finished aircraft (hence the recent spate of mods), with builder
support coming second to this.>
Supporting the customer is not an "add on" or afterthought of running a
business!  In fact all modern management theory say's it is the best way to
build and grow any business.  In my opinion Europa Aviation is missing out on an
excellent opportunity to address customer questions by not responding to them
directly in this forum.  For customers oversees, phone support is difficult and
very expensive.  When I purchase my Europa, I want to have an easy and fast way
to commicate from the US with the airplane manufacturer and what better way is
there but the Net?
Would any of you out there want to miss the on-line help you get from your
computer hard- and software supplier these days?  A simple disclaimer added to
the response could address any liability problems, by the way.
In this context, Graham Singleton deserves high praise for addressing questions
on this server and for spending time explaining the Europa to the rest of us!

Regards, Herb

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